iLAB Analog-Circuit Design, Simulation, and Testing本月獨享

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推薦大家一本考試用書iLAB Analog-Circuit Design, Simulation, and Testing本月獨享全書的內容大意

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內容簡介: 博客來博客來網路書店博客來書店本書特色

This booklet is designed for students as a supplement to the often insufficient contact hours allocated in the classroom or laboratory session to devote more attention to reinforcing basic, fundamental skills in understanding analog circuit design, testing, debugging and related skills to a level sufficient such that the student may become a competitive candidate during the job interview.
博客來網路書局ILAB-Analog is composed of 12 chapters. Each chapter includes a brief introduction and relevant equations. LTspice simulation follows and is capped by implementation. Students in this course will be involved and through this involvement, understand the simulation and corresponding hardware implementation, the differences between the two including the extent of the difference. Examples within each chapter including highlights, reference materials, and the latest revision, etc., are posted on the web or cloud to facilitate downloading.

iLAB Analog-Circuit Design, Simulation, and Testing本月獨享 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:新月    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2016/09/30
  • 語言:英文

iLAB Analog-Circuit Design, Simulation, and Testing本月獨享 評比 博客來網路書局

iLAB Analog-Circuit Design, Simulation, and Testing本月獨享

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iLAB Analog-Circuit Design, Simulation, and Testing本月獨享
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iLAB Analog-Circuit Design, Simulation, and Testing本月獨享


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